Administration Office
Our office is open daily from 8:30am until 3:15pm. Our School Administration officer (SAO), Mrs Debbie Dyson, and our School Administration Manager (SAM), Mrs Sandra Moriarty are able to help you with any enquiries you may have.
School Hours
Classes operate at the times listed below each day during term time. Our playground is supervised before school from 8:30am.
9:00am Lessons Commence
11:00am - 11:25am Recess
1:15pm Eating time with your class
1:25pm Lunch 1
1:45pm Lunch 2
2:05pm - 3pm End of school day
Children are not supervised before 8.30 a.m. and after 3.00 p.m and should not be on the school grounds at these times. No parent or carer is permitted to take another child home without written permission from the parent to the principal. The class teacher must be notified of any change in your pick-up routine. Should you wish to take your child early from class you must obtain a Release Slip from the office first.
Interview with Staff
Plattsburg Public School encourages regular contact between parents and teachers. Of course, there are times during the day when teachers are unable to talk with parents because they are teaching or have other school commitments. Therefore, it is advisable to phone the school and arrange a convenient time if an extended interview is required. The school has an "open door" policy and encourages parent participation and involvement in all aspects of school. Teacher/parent interviews will be held when Semester 1 reports are sent home. This is an opportunity for parents and teachers to meet formally and discuss student progress, set goals and directions for the current and following year.
School Counsellor
Plattsburg Public School has access to the services of a school Counsellor one per fortnight during school terms. The school Counsellor is part of the school's student welfare organisation and is able to contribute information, advice and understanding on the learning and behaviour of students, especially those with special needs. The Counsellor may assist teachers and parents in dealing with these needs. If you wish to speak to the Counsellor about your child, you may do so by arranging an appointment through the Principal.
There will be occasions when money will need to be sent to school as payment for such things as excursion and special event. All money is to be placed in either the black "School money" mailbox or the white "P&C money" letterbox, both of which are located in our front foyer. Please ensure you enclose money in an envelope, with child's name, class, money amount and what the activity is for. Please note the Administration Office does not have change, so correct money amounts will be required. Payment to the school can also be paid via POP which can be accessed at the top of this website under the menu "Make a Payment". EFTPOS is also available at our office and school canteen.
If your child requires regular medication a copy of confirmation from your Doctor regarding medications/dosage/times and a signed authority from the parent/carer will be required. Please contact the Administration Office for further details regarding this process. All medications are required in a webster pack with your child's name clearly labelled. No medication (with the exception of Ventolin puffers) is to be left in the child's school bag for obvious safety reasons. The school is not permitted to give paracetamol, aspirin or disprin unless specifically prescribed by a doctor. If your child requires occasional medication e.g. antibiotics, in most instances the Doctor can prescribe dosage of 3 times a day; before school, after school and before bedtime, therefore medication would not be required at school.
Health Care Plans
If your child has a health condition that requires careful monitoring (e.g. asthma, allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis) you will need to arrange for an appointment with the Principal to draw up an individual health care plan for your child before enrolling. For our school to properly comply with departmental obligations we require that an action plan be furnished to the school that clearly identifies any condition your child may have, observable symptoms, medications required and actions in the event of an emergency. The office staff will provide you with an action plan form, which you can then take to your doctor to be filled in and signed by the doctor.
International Students
International students are welcome in all DEC schools. Parents of international students need to complete and submit an Authority to Enrol application and provide documentation to the school. Our office staff can provide more details about this process.