Plattsburg Public School

festina lente - hasten slowly

Telephone02 4955 9196

Four Ways To Succeed

4 ways to succeed




Treat one another with dignity

Cooperate with others

Take care of property

Value the interest, ability and culture of others

Dress appropriately



Care for people's feelings

Understand the feelings of others

Act in a way that shows care and concern for others



Participating in school life

Positive playground behaviours


Taking on an extra task to help the school/another person

Be a team player (take turns, be fair)



Be true to yourself

Don't be afraid to be different

Have the courage to make your own decisions



Appropriate and exemplary behaviour, conduct or effort is acknowledged with Four Ways to Succeed Dojo point. Students are required to retain their Dojo points and trade them for rewards. Once points are traded they are not returned. Students can trade at any time provided they have the number of Dojo points required for a trade. Dojo points cannot be taken from students once they have been issued.

Trades include handballs, drink bottles, books, pencils, $30 voucher for a school excursion (must be used against an excursion).